There’s no “I” in team… or in Candy + Co.
We pride ourselves on our ability to create events where the pieces fit flawlessly together, customized to our clients. How do we do that? By having quite the unique team. We combine our separate strengths to create an unstoppable force, much like the A-Team. (A for Awesome, of course).
(aka Work + Life + Nuptial Ninja)
+ She believes being 5 minutes early IS on time.
+ She thinks inequality is stupid.
+ She is not an actual ninja (but maybe she might be).
Pronouns: she/her/hers
(aka Vision + Venue Virtuoso)
+ She loves food.... all food, most especially risotto balls, hush puppies, and wedding pies.
+ She has planned a rustic rave wedding in a barn with no running water, baby goats, and thousands of glow sticks.
+ She thinks bringing people together for fun is the best thing ever.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
(aka Logistics Lover)
+ She fell in love with traveling at a young age (the result of being born abroad) and continues to explore the world.
+ She thinks that you can never be too prepared for an event.
+ She is on a personal mission to find the best creme brûlée in the world!
Pronouns: she/her/hers
(aka Marital Mastermind)
+She is a firm believer in eating dessert first.
+She thinks animal love is the best medicine.
+She insists her favorite flower is a cactus, but she is from Arizona and is slightly biased.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
(aka Media Mastermind)
+ They have a collection of cats named after Norse gods, but doesn’t recommend having a god of thunder at home.
+ They think black is the only color (I mean, it is right?).
+ Their superhero skill is finding the calm in any storm.
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
(aka Specifics Specialist)
+ She geeks out over a good production load in.
+ She is South African. Not Australian, not English, but South African (say it with us...).
+ She believes birthday's should be just as celebrated as weddings, but annually.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Coming soon to the Candy + Co Team: Asa and Patricia